Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What to make for dinner....

Anyone else tired of this daily battle? In my dream world, I would have someone cook for me so I wouldn't have to decide. Oh, and someone to clean it up after. Throw in a stylist, personal trainer, and make-up artist and that's it. Okay and a beach house and a cabin and a boat and my own jet with a pilot ready to fly me wherever I want to go at any given time.......dream on!

ANYWAY, if anyone has any great easy recipes without seafood or mushrooms please share! I'm desperate!


Greg and Mel said...

ugh. I agree. I hate cooking!! Lets just let our kids eat cereal for the rest of their lives! :) We should get together and have a recipe night or something :)

Steve and Mona said...

Next time you come up we'll go through my magazines!! I haven't been through those in ages. I'm in the same place you are with not having the time or money to buy what I really want to eat. :) It'd be fun! We could plan out like a month of meals.