Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kids say the darndest things!

Tyler was out of town a couple weeks ago (see last post) and the kids were really confused about where he was. They asked if he was at work, and I told them no, he didn't work today, he's in Phoenix with his Daddy. All of a sudden, Carson started bawling his eyes out! I thought he had been bit by a scorpion or something, he was crying so loud! He finally stopped wailing long enough to say, "so, does this mean we don't have any money?" I didn't know where that came from and said,"money for what?" He said, "I don't know, like for toys and food and stuff!" He was SO upset, and I realized we recently had a conversation about how Dad goes to work every day to earn money for food and toys.....Carson thought since Daddy didn't go to work that day, we would have no money to buy toys and food! I had one of those mean mommy moments and just laughed at his sadness. He was just fine when I explained that he would go back to work on Monday and earn more money. At least he knows about earning your keep, right!


Bethany said...

HAHA! That is so funny. I have been trying to explain that to Jax for AGES and he still thinks money comes from my plastic card. Love it.

Doreen said...

Oh my gosh, that gave me a good laugh! What a cutie!

Greg and Mel said...

I guess that means no more days off for Tyler. If he doesn't go to work, Carson will be the first one to get his clothes set out for him and kick him out the door! ha ha.
