Monday, June 22, 2009

Sleepless in St. George.....

Tyler has been in Phoenix all weekend visiting his dad for father's day and his birthday......I miss him! I have always hated being away from him for more than 8 hours (how long he works). Yes, I have had the bed to myself, and have not had to cook anything fancy--the kids don't care what I make as long as it contains lots of sugar--but I get so paranoid knowing he's not here to protect us! At night when the kids are all sleeping, I hear EVERY single little noise, and think, oh crap, it's a burglar, we're dead! I know it's ridiculous, but I can't help it! I was tempted to go sleep in Lizzie's bed, but I braved it out both nights! He gets home today HURRAY! We are going to celebrate father's day when he gets back. I would be so pathetic as a single mom! Kudos to all you out there that have to tough out each night alone!


Bethany said...

LOL, I ALSO get serious jitters if I am alone when the sun goes down. I love having my hubby here to keep me safe! So glad Tyler gets home soon!

Greg and Mel said...

ha ha that's sweet that you miss him!! Hope he had fun! We need to stop being so antisocial and start hanging out again!! :O)