Monday, July 27, 2009

My baby is 7!

Tyson had an awesome birthday! He got to have a few friends over to swim, play with water balloons, and eat lots of cake! What a silly bunch of boys!
So, they're all shirtless because I had to drag them away from the water balloons to come in and have cake!

Tyson and Durban- bestest friends (most of the time) and Carson blowing a balloon, again!

Lizzie doing her best puppy dog look after being told she couldn't open Tyson's presents! She's good at it!

Happy birthday, my silly little Tys!


Greg and Mel said...

ha ha i loved the best friends (most of the time) comment!! its so true. and I love lizzie's face!! priceless!!

Alecia said...

happy birthday Tyson!