Saturday, September 5, 2009

Look Mom, I cut my hair all by myself!

This is what I get for letting her cut paper all by herself!! Carson decided to help out too, and in minutes, her hair was gone!!! I told her we would have to go to the salon to have them fix it.....she thought they were going to make it long again. Instead they did this----
She looks like a little grown-up!! The back looks so good, but it was hard enough getting this picture from her! At least her hair will be easier to comb now!


Greg and Mel said...

HHAHAHAHAHA I am SO glad ella hasn't done that yet (knock on wood) although I did it to myself today and now i have ugly hippy bangs...... don't trust me with scissors!

Doreen said...

Awww. She's so cute, she can totally pull off the short hair!

Emili said...

Dang, I dread the day Avary tries that, but I know it is coming. The fix is darling!

Darci said...

I had no idea you had a blog!! How sad for the hair but she does look mighty cute with it short.