Friday, March 12, 2010

In like a freakin' LION!

So, March has been one of those months so far that just makes you wonder......could things get any harder? I know, they could, but seriously? We have been battling the stomach flu with ALL three kids since last tuesday (this would be round 2 of the vomit bug). During that time, Tyler was sent to the E.R. for his heart. Turns out he has an irregular heartbeat which we still don't know what it is and what needs to be done about it. He'll be going to see a cardiologist on the 29th to get some answers.

Well, just when we thought things were getting better, I got the stomach flu, too! Of all the miserable days of this pregnancy, let's throw in 24 hours of vomiting along with contractions due to the vomiting!!! Anyway, I'm better today, and have been once again, for the billionth time this month, santizing the house with bleach and lysol. I have just had it with this cold and flu season! It's been a doozy for us!

So here's to March going out like a lamb with hopefully the birth of a healthy baby with no complications. I am so excited to meet her/him!! And have I mentioned lately just how wonderful Tyler is? I have been sick so many times this year, and he has lovingly stepped up to the plate! He took yesterday off so I could recover, and took the kids to jumping jacks again, took care of lunch and dinner, kept the house clean, bought me some ginger ale, and is just plain amazing!


Katie said...

I am Tyler's friend from High School. I found out I had an irregular heartbeat and the cardiologist told me it's actually quite common and basically told me not to worry about it. Hopefully that will be the same for Tyler. Good luck!

Greg and Mel said...

I am sorry that its been such a rough month! I hope that things calm down for you! I can't wait to meet the new Runia!!

Alecia said...

aww i am so sorry! here we are family and i have no idea what you are going through! i will help you any way i can if you need anything! i mean it. you always do everything for me when i ask :)