Saturday, April 3, 2010

Our complete family

Yup, this is it! 4 kids. That's it. Unless some kind of crazy miraculous thing happens, we are done having kids! I mean, how perfect can things be? 2 boys, 2 girls. Who would want to mess with that? And, I was able to escape any trama during labor. No scary near death experiences, not even c-section. I feel so very blessed! 4 beautiful healthy kids is all I could ever ask for! My uterus is retired! My stretch marks can rebound (ya right) my vericose veins can be surgically removed, my diabetes is gone (yay sugar!), and I can move on with life and focus on the kids! We are and forever will be a family of 6!


Greg and Mel said...

Such cute kids! I'm glad everything went well and Mckenna is here safe and sound :) although, I do have to say, greg and I are a little upset about not having parallel lives with you guys anymore....we can't have anymore kids!!

Alecia said...

that was sweet to read. it must feel so good to be done with kids! so cute!!!

Haley said...

Ahhhhh! What a precious little button. This is a darling picture of all your kids. Thanks for sharing, Monica. It must feel good to have that complete family:)

Doreen said...

What a beautiful family! I can't wait to complete our family, too! Hope you're doing well and that you were blessed with a sleeper :)

Bethany said...

and such sweet looking kids! You have a beautiful family Mon, congrats to you!!!

Misty said...

Congrats you guys! Your new little one is SO cute!