Thursday, February 10, 2011

Expecting to be busy!! 5 kids?!

Yes it's true, I am pregnant again! I laugh at myself because I have a cute little line on my blog about being "completely complete" because we thought we were done having kids after Mckenna was born. But alas, we did not quite feel complete, and we turned our thoughts to becoming pregnant, and that's all it took! :)

So it is still very true that I have the most fertile fertility in creation. I am grateful for such a blessing, but after number 5 joins our family, I AM DONE! If I make it through the next 8 months, life will get crazy but we can do it!

Truth be told that we are VERY excited for a new addition and we know things will work out. We just happened to drop insurance this year due to the cost doubling, but I've talked to the doctor, hospital, anesthesiologist, and ultrasound tech and we will be paying less than if we would have stayed on insurance. HA take that Obama!!

By the way, aren't these the most beautiful flowers? Tyler brought them home for me the day we found out about the baby...he's so sweet!


Greg and Mel said...

Congratulations!!! We are so happy for you guys! I'll help out however I can in the next 8 months (and beyond!) and I can't wait to meet the new little Runia!! Tyler gets kudos for the pretty flowers!! Love you guys!

Misty said...

Congrats! You are super-momma for sure!