Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A desperate plea for help!!!

My Tyson is the sweetest boy. He is always thinking of others and how they are feeling. He still loves hugs and kisses from his mom even though he's 8 1/2. Here's where I am desperately searching for help with him

He is a picky eater. Always has been. Since he was a baby, we went through probably 6 different kind of formulas (breastfeeding was not working) before we found one he wouldn't scream about. He was a very chunky baby and toddler. He's very tall, but his growth is definately slowing. He's SO skinny!!! His ribs and hip bones really poke out. his wrists and arms are like pvc pipe. He's got sunken eyes and doesn't have a lot of stamina. The 3 minute run at school just about kills him. He really doesn't like to eat much---cereal, milk, nutella, fruit and some veggies are about it. No meats, eggs, beans, or anything with protein.

On top of this, he gets stomach aches A LOT!! When this happens, he goes for long periods of time without eating anything. He says he feels like he's going to throw up and has to lay in bed for a few hours. It usually happens in the evenings. I have taken him to 2 different doctors and he did make a trip to the E.R. when his stomach was really hurting him. All the doctors say is he will grow out of the pickiness and the stomach aches are probably just his own nerves/personality. Okay, seriously? Is it really normal for a kid to be that stressed and nervous that he makes himself sick and won't eat?

Anyway, I am at my wits' end, and need some real advice. I've been told maybe he's allergic to gluten, but he doesn't get diarrhea or anything, just stomach pain and nausea. He really does get tired easily, and isn't very active. For an 8 year old boy, that is NOT normal!!

Please help if you can or if you have any ideas on what else could be going on in his skeleton of a body!


Greg and Mel said...

I am just SO sorry!! I wish I had the right answers for you, all I can do is offer support and let you know that someday he WILL be eating like normal and you WILL figure this out!!! I was going to ask the other night but totally spaced it, Will he drink pediasure type drinks?? That might give him some of the protein and other nutrients he needs :)

Alecia said...

i am also very sorry and i'm hoping and praying this doesn't run in the family and happen to jax (cause he's the same way, but he still has tons of energy) yeah, pediasure drinks are actually really yummy, that's a good idea. but jax doesn't like them..so maybe not. i wish i had answers for you too..i'd take him to a specialist. maybe its psychological? i hope you find the answers, cause that is no fun at all for a parent to watch.

Jessica said...

I would suggest a specialist as well...a gastro-enterologist would be a good idea. Have you googled his symptoms online? He could be lactose intolerant or even a dairy allergy. Poor guy doesn't want to eat cause it hurts :( they have 2 specific blood tests to test for celiacs too. You could just get that ordered through your pediatrician. But my boy saw a gastro-enterologist and he was very thorough in his history of problems and ordered blood tests, etc. Good luck!

Greg and Mel said...

have you tried giving him a blessing?


Tyler and Monica Runia said...

Thanks everyone. I would love to take him to a specialist, but we have no insurance and are having a baby and I just can't see how to come up with the money....it might be worth going broke for though! I have googled his symptoms, but all things are pointing to food allergies, which he does not have diarrhea, and that's the #1 symptom, so no answers there. I do think it could be psychological, and that's what is the scariest for me. What on earth did I do to mess him up so much?

Katie said...

What about fruit smoothies with protein powder in them. Also, would he drink Ensure?

Tyler and Monica Runia said...

That's a good idea on the pediasure and protein powders. He does like the carnation instant breakfast stuff, but I hate for him to be dependent on those types of things. But for now, that's a good way to maybe boost his growth and energy!

Misty said...

I was going to also suggest the Carnation Breakfast drinks as a temp solution. My baby girl was just recommended them by my pediatrician because she won't drink milk without it being sweetened and has dropped a lot of weight. Good Luck Monica!

lisa said...

5 kids? you guys are crazy