Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Family of 6?!

Yes, it's true, I am PREGNANT! This will be our 4th and last child. We WERE trying for this one, so we are very excited! (the first three were little surprises) It only took 2 months of no birth control, so it's official, I am a baby making machine!!! It's and blessing.....and a curse!

On one hand, I have felt very lucky and blessed for the ease of conception. We are very aware just how lucky we are!

On the other hand, we have not experienced the feelings of wanting a baby and doing all it takes to get one, and being prepared and ready for it all! It's a much different feeling now that this one was planned! We have insurance, a steady income, a big enough home to fit the little angel, and the peace of mind to bring another child into our lives.

The first three were welcomed and loved, but the constant strain of how we would be able to make it was huge! Tyler was still in school, living on student loans and a small part-time income. Having a baby is stressful all on its own, without having to work out the details of -ya know- how will we feed and clothe the baby, along with ourselves and the other children! How grateful I am to not worry about those little details, and focus on the important things---like raising a child in this crazy world!!

Wow that was quite a ramble! We are also just glad that this time when sharing our great news, it was recieved without the usual tone. No mocking about our rabit-like fertility! No remarks on our methods of birth control-or lack thereof. No reactions like "Oh NO! What will you do?!" Just happy wishes this time! That makes a big difference, too!

So, bring on the morning sickness, swelling, and vericose veins, cause we're READY!!


Greg and Mel said...

congrats you guys! We are really happy for you! Can't wait to hold the little snuggle bug :) here's to a healthy nine months!

Doreen said...

Congratulations, Mo! I am so happy for the bothy of you.

Jessica said...

Congratulations! When is this baby supposed to make an entrance? : )

Lora said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I love looking at your blog Tyler and Monica (I wish I knew you Monica, but it is so good to see that Tyler married such a wonderful person and is happy :)) Your kids are adorable and I can't wait to see the new little addition when it makes its entrance! Hope you have a wonderful pregnancy! Take Care.

Steve and Mona said...

Yeah that all the news went well. It's so nice you guys can just sit back and enjoy this one! We're all so excited for you and hope the pregnancy goes smoothly. Congrats!

Emili said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting, we are so happy for you!

Haven said...

How exciting! Yay! I hope you have an easy pregnancy.