Monday, November 30, 2009

Joy to the Blimp!

I really have been neglecting this blog, but there really hasn't been much excitement since Halloween. We did have a great thanksgiving! We then hiked through the forest to get the perfect christmas tree....after a few hours and some minor injuries, we decided to settle for the next somewhat decent tree. So here is"the blimp" that we finally cut. Hey, at least our house smells like christmas! I was so sick of using those pathetic fake trees that smell like our garage! So, the sad mass that it is, we love our tree!


Greg and Mel said...

Very nice! Can't believe its christmas time though. CRAZY!!!

Bethany said...

hahahahaha. Love it Monica. I wish I could have hiked around and yes, even sustained some injuries. That brings back a lot of memories! Alas, we have a fake tree- with some forest scent burning away 24/7. Not the same.

Doreen said...

I love the tree! Even if it does look like it should be floating in the Macy's Parade :)

We still haven't figured out what we're going to do. We love fresh trees and always enjoyed them in Oregon, but here? They are pretty expensive in the valley of the sun. Oh, I would so miss the smell though...

Jessica said...

ha ha. i love the tree! You can't beat live ones either. It must smell incredible in your house!!

Haley said...

Welcome back to the real-tree club!! I kinda like the shape... good job, guys.

Misty said...

Lol! You wouldn't be a true Talbot without a bush-shaped tree! :D I love it!

Haven said...

At least there's plenty of room underneath for all the presents! :)

Emili said...

I love your tree, man I miss those days of hiking to find "the perfect tree". Glad someone still does it!!

Unknown said...

Hey I just found your blog. I love your tree:) Hope you guys are doing well.