Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas 2009

I was terrible and didn't take ANY pictures this Christmas!! I am blaming this on the fact that our camara has about had it. All the pictures turn out dark and blurry. So, I stole this from my sis-in-law's blog because she is WAY better at taking pictures, and remembers to do it! So thanks, Alecia! Yes, this was a Christmas present from my brother Tyler (Christmas and birthdays combined) He's the sweetest! Anyway, it's the Beatles Rock band game, and we had so much fun playing!! You can't tell how much fun I'm having because of the serious expression, but it was fun! Especially when my mom did the singing....I wanna hold your was so funny!

To catch up, the kids had a great Christmas! Carson woke up to presents Christmas morning, and said, "Wow, look Mom, Santa brought me presents anyway!" (he didn't think he'd been good this year)

The day after Christmas, however, my sister's hubby Joey had to go to the hospital with "severe pink eye" and a "cold" and ended up being diagnosed with Acute Myelocytic Leukemia. We were all, and are still in shock about it! He started his first round of Chemo just over a week ago up in SLC at Huntsman's. He is doing well so far, but will most likely need a bone marrow transplant soon. My sister, Gina has been like a rock through it all! She has managed to still be a wife by his side, be a mom to their 2 kids, come back from sleeping at the hospital for 2 weeks or so to start working right away, and somehow is holding herself together, too! She is such a strong and amazing person! We have all been praying for Joey to make a full recovery.....that's all Lizzie prays about...."bless uncle Joey to feel better, and that Carson won't fight with me anymore amen" That's it.

So here's to the new year of fighting cancer, having a baby, and staying sane!

1 comment:

The Evans Family said...

hey you guys need to come over - we got the beatles rock band for Christmas too, and now my kids LOVE to sing "The Yellow Submarine, we all live in a yellow submarine...". Lets get the fams together!