Friday, February 12, 2010

VERY-GROSS (AKA vericose) veins....

Sorry, I had to share this agony with everyone so that you all know I'm not a whiner, but dog gonnit, these things HURT! It's hard to see them all that well in the photo, and just imagine that this is ONLY the end of the veins and that they are swollen to the point that my skin is paper thin.....OUCH! Sexy leg, eh? :) (no, that's not hair, that is the vericose vein....jeez you really thought I would post a picture of a hairy leg?) :)
As you can see, this pregnancy has been by far the hardest, most painful one! Thank goodness this is the LAST time I will be doing this!!! Between these dandy beautiful things that cause me daily excruciating pain, not sleeping at night, and oh yea, the gestational diabetes, I'm SO done with being pregnant!!!
With all that out, I can also say it has been wonderful being pregnant! It is such a miraculous thing to be a part of, and I am SO excited to meet this new little Runia baby! Every time I have to prop my leg up on the bathtub to relieve enough pain to brush my teeth, I feel a little kick and it's all worth it!


Greg and Mel said...

ouchie mon!! I'm so sorry!! When the little lady gets here, it will all be worth it, I wish I could cure those veins for ya! let me know when you need to sit and you can send the kids over!!!

Haley said...

Ouchie is right! I made up a song for you: "vein, vein, go away, come again another day"... actually, never come back you mean thing! Ok, it's late. Hooray for baby!!

Steve and Mona said...

Oh that does look like it hurts! You are so wonderful to make the biggest sacrifice giving up your beautiful leg for this sweet baby. It will be worth it and hopefully over very soon!! Hang in there!

Emili said...

Yikes, I am so sorry, that looks like it is very painful!! Good thing you have pictures to prove how much we love our children, the things we do right?