Friday, February 19, 2010

Carson's birthday

Happy Birthday Carson!
I wish we had this at home! :)

Lizzie sitting pretty

Notice the red face, he had such a blast!

Carson got to bring a friend, Hank (aka the Hankster) with him to Jumping Jacks. They are such crazy little boys!

Carson had a really fun birthday this year (despite the fact that he really wanted a party, and I just did not have the energy or time to do one this year) He got to go to soccer, then to in-n-out and on to jumping jacks. After that, he got to go pick out a big gift at Target, then ate at Panda Express (his favortie) Very busy day for a very happy Carson! The sad thing was that I was really sick that day, so my wonderful and just plain awesome husband did ALL this on his own!! What a man!

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