Thursday, March 4, 2010

4 year old liz

February is a busy month for birthdays! Lizzie had fun, even without a party, too! She wanted a purple cake this year, not pink surprisingly!
After church, we had her cake. Nobody wanted to wait even to get dressed.
This actually wasn't on her birthday, but I thought this was so cute! This is her friend Ella. Doing what girlie girls do best!

She really wanted a puppy for her birthday "but not a real puppy, because I don't like dogs" She is terrified of any kind of dog...except the pink poodle at the park!

This is what she got from her Nana and Boompa. We let her wear it to the theater to watch the Princess and the Frog. She turned lots of heads, and got lots of "oh, how cute" It was a fun day for little Lizzie!

1 comment:

Greg and Mel said...

glad lizzie had a good birthday! I love the picture of her and ella! so cute! (i am going to steal it for my blog!)