Friday, March 19, 2010

Oh yeah! big belly big belly big belly....

My good friend Melanie took these pics of me for a baby gift. I really didn't get any belly shots when I was pregnant with the first 3, and since this is my last, I wanted to have some. Why? Anytime I feel like maybe I could have another, etc. I can look at these pictures and remember how miserable it is to be pregnant, and how puffy it makes me! :) All kidding aside, I'm so glad I swallowed my embarrasment of getting pictures of me, and did it for posterity!
It turns out she might have taken these in the nick of time....I went in to see the doctor yesterday. I had missed the last 2 weeks due to kids being sick, and me sick, so this was my first visit in 3 weeks. The baby sounded great, I am 3 cm dilated and 70% effaced already, and it turns out my feelings of not being big enough are right fluid level is very low, and my uterus is measuring at 33 weeks, not at 37 which I am now. He did a little ultrasound to see what's going on, and noticed the fluid is extremely low. So I get to go in for a 3rd ultrasound on monday to verify the fluid level, and if it is indeed too low, I'll be induced! Exciting! I just hope the baby is not suffocating or anything in there! The doctor said it looks like enough to at least make it through the weekend, but that he wouldn't be surprised if I end up giving birth before Monday....yay!! I can't wait to meet him or her! I can't wait to be a complete family! I can't wait to eat sugar again! :)


Jessica said...

oh i'm sooooooo jealous!! I'm 35 wks tomorrow n feel done now. Congrats you guys!! Make sure you announce everything abt the baby!! How fun for you guys!!

Lora said...

Hi Monica. It is Tyler's friend from High School. I just had to tell you how beautiful you look. I love your hair dark like that, it looks great with your eyes and your creamy skin. Love your new look. I really like the picture in the center. You look fabulous pregnant, I would want to document that too!!!! Good luck with the labor. Congratulations in advanced. Can't wait to see the new little addition.

Kendra said...

I am also one of Tyler's friends and wow you are a gorgeous pregnant woman! Good luck and I hope all is well!

Doreen said...

LOVING the new do! The dark hair and the bangs are so gorgeous on you. Gosh, you look great preggo! I'm totally jealous. Once I hit 37 weeks I will be a freakin boat! Good luck this weekend. I hope it's a super fast labor and that it goes smoothly. Oh, and I'm so impressed you waited to find out the sex! I wish I could make myself wait, but instead I'm counting down the weeks until my ultrasound :)

Greg and Mel said...

I am so glad you like the pictures! I also think you look gorgeous pregnant too! Can't wait to meet the new little bug :)

Bethany said...

you are so beautiful preggo Monica! (and not preggo too :)). Congrats on the impending labor- may it be quick and painless. Good luck!

QB Family said...

Pregnancy looks great on you! You look beautiful! Good luck with everything and hope all goes well.

Tyler and Monica Runia said...

Wow, thanks everyone! I never thought preggo and gorgeous would ever be in the same sentence for me! :) I wish I would have gone to high school with Tyler so I could know all you nice ladies! I only know Do, and she's pretty awesome! :)