Wednesday, April 14, 2010

To tell the truth...funny lizzie

I love this picture of the sisters.

Okay, on with the funny thing....Lizzie has had a hard time with lying lately. She lies all the time! We don't know how to help her to be honest. A couple days ago, she was lying about who made a particular mess, and I told her that Jesus knows when you lie, and when you lie bad things start to happen to you.

So, a few minutes later, she was lying AGAIN about something, and in the process tripped over a teddy bear and hurt herself. Through her sobbing, she says "mom, Jesus must have put that teddy bear there, huh" It was so cute and innocent and of course HILARIOUS! I think she learned her lesson though. I haven't heard another fib from her since.

1 comment:

Doreen said...

That is such a cute picture of your girls. And, the story is hilarious. Thanks for sharing! Hope you're getting some sleep!!!