Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Anyone who has nursed a baby, please help!!!!

Mckenna is now almost 6 weeks old. I have been told that soreness should completely go away by 6 weeks. I am STILL in TONS of PAIN everytime she latches!!! I have been going back and forth on quitting altogether, and just bottle feed. I have been using nipple sheilds, tried latching her without them and got even MORE sore. What should I do??? I really want to nurse, but the pain is making me crazy! And it makes me dread each feeding which is not good for the whole bonding loving nurturing thing. HELP!!!

Oh, and lactation consultants really don't help! The one I went to was able to latch her on correctly after about 2 hours of trying! I have 4 kids, and don't have that kind of time. They all tell me nursing shouldn't be painful, and I'm doing it wrong. Well, I did not choose the anatomy of my nipples, and no matter what I try, they get sore! I air dry after each feeding, I don't wash them with soap, I am on my 2nd tube of lansinoh---anyone have any good advice on how to make me numb?

Also, I do have a good pump (thanks to my awesome sister in law Becki) and use it when I get scabbed and cracked, but even it is painful, and it takes me 30 min. to pump 2 bottles. So, I have started using formula. She has maybe 3 bottles of formula a day. So this also worries me that I will completely dry up. Arg, why can't such a healthy and natural thing just work for me?!


Katie said...

You need NEWMAN'S CREAM. It's an Rx and it is like liquid gold. Stop everything, call your doctor-and go get some NOW! (I'm Tyler's friend from high school)

Alecia said...

owwwwie! ya know, i believe breastfeeding just isn't for some people. i could NOT get it to work with jaxon. i didn't try for six weeks like you .( you are a trooper!) some kids just really really struggle with it. my aunt just had her 9th baby. she has nursed all of them, but this last baby will not latch. it sucks cause nursing helps you lose weight! (oh wait, but you don't need that!) I guess my advice is, don't beat yourself up for not being able to do it. I felt SO guilty when i couldn't. my whole family does it & its the right, healthy natural thing to do, and you bond and all that good stuff, but some babies just can't do it. and thats ok! your baby will still be healthy, smart and beautiful! good luck :)

Queen Bee said...

That is rough :( I can relate about painful nursing, my little one is 11 weeks today and things finally don't hurt. You might check into a yeast issue, I've been reading about systemic yeast or yeast growth inside the ducts that can be extremely painful. I'm not sure if the consultant you tried is with La Leche League, but if not you might ask them. They may have some other ideas for you too.
Have you asked around about a breastfeeding friendly doctor? Some really know their stuff and others don't seem to know much at all.
I think I also took ibuprofen when it was too painful with my other kids, and reapplied lanolin after every feeding.
Something will work out! Hopefully soon!

Unknown said...

Im so sorry Monica! That is so frustrating. I am so impressed you stuck it out for that long. Shaylie couldn't latch and after a week I went to formula. We felt that was what was best for us with her. Good luck!

Greg and Mel said...

Ouchie! I'm so sorry Monica, I had the same problems with my 3 kids, You know the stories :) I just couldn't do it!! I didn't have the patience or time, or sanity for it! I hope you can find something that works for you!!!

Bethany said...

I agree with an earlier comment- get yourself checked for a yeast infection or mastitis. I also had a similar problem when trying to nurse Jax. I started using a small dab of olive oil on the nipple when I pumped to keep from making it raw. Also try lubricating the nipple with some expressed milk before she latches to feed. Other than that, I am not much help! I hope you can find a solution!

Misty said...

Ok Monica - I second Katie who said NEWMAN'S CREAM will help! I also had (ok, still have) pain with nursing twins but NEWMANS made it bearable. NEWMANS is an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, steroid cream. Apparantly having a yeast infection will make nursing hurt a LOT (it did in my case). And you might not even know you have one. But beware - the stuff is $45.00 and only available at Stapley Pharmacy - and insurance probably won't pay because its a "compounded" prescription. But its less expensive than formula - just remember that when you are paying for it :)
Also, pumping can cause pain if the shields are the wrong size. Check into that one. Or if the suction is on too high of setting. If it still isn't working, don't feel bad about giving bottles of formula. If she is getting some - even a LITTLE milk, its benefiting her a LOT! You're awesome for putting up with the pain!

Tyler and Monica Runia said...

Thanks everyone for the comments and support! I am going to the doctor today, so I'll get that cream and see if it helps! I do think the sheilds are making me more sore, because I have the SMALLEST size there is, and it still doesn't fit "like a glove" I am just going to keep up what I'm doing until I dry up. Oh the things we do for the love of our children!