Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New van = road trip!

Yup, we traded our old dodge caravan in for "Apollo 8" (our new dark blue grand caravan). Since our family expanded, we needed a slightly bigger and more reliable vehicle to lug them all in. The new van was just too clean, so we decided to celebrate by going to Bryce Canyon. Tyler has never been, and it's only about a 2-3 hour drive. It is so BEAUTIFUL there! We had so much fun! This waterfall took our breath away and yes that is Carson about to jump in....no Carson, it's not a waterslide!!!
The trail to the waterfall was gorgeous. The kids kept stopping and wanting a picture taken. I loved all the old logs/trees/roots all over the place!

"Stay away from the cliff" was uttered constanly here. Yes Mckenna is in that stroller...don't worry we pointed it away from the edge.. :)

There is such a sacred feeling in the canyon. It really is amazing!

I cannot figure out how to rotate this, darnit! New camara. Anyway we had a wonderful time aside from the occasional melt down and the new van did great!


Greg and Mel said...

How fun!! I would be a wreck with the cliff! I got nervous just looking at the pictures :) I am glad you guys had fun, its good to get out of the house!! I'm so happy that you got the new van! It's awesome!!! I'm glad you are enjoying it!!

Doreen said...

Great pics of the canyon! We've got to take Bryce there one day - maybe when he's older and I won't be worried about him running off the edge!

P.S. Every time I see your bangs, I love them even more. They are so cute, Mo!