Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mckenna Kay Runia

Wow, what a doll! I have to say, she is the littlest and most perfect baby I've had! She has a perfectly round and SMALL head. Her skin is gorgeous with only minor peeling. She's just so perfect! Okay, enough bragging about her, she is very fussy and spits up A LOT!!! She keeps me and Tyler up all night, and does this grunt everytime someone touches her (especially Lizzie) So, she's not perfect, but sure is a beauty!

Oh, and thank you Alecia for spending 2 hours with her (in a 90 degree room) to get the perfect shots! You're amazing!


Doreen said...

She is gorgeous, guys! What a sweet picture. Your sis-in-law is so talented. Wish I lived close so she could do our photos.

Greg and Mel said...

she is beautiful! I need to come see her again, she's probably changed so much!! Great photo!